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Major Wars



Present Day:


410 The Sack of Rome: The Visigoths Sacked Rome under the leadership of their first King Alaric. Important because it marked the beginning of the fall of the Western Roman Empire. It also establish the Visigoths as strong warriors whom the Romans would become allies with.

436 The Battle of Narbonne: Another war between the Roman Empire and the Visigoths. Lost by attacking in a frontally manner while the Romans surrounded them. Ironic since they would later become allies in order to defeat the Huns.

451 The Battle of the Catalaunian Fields:  It was mostly a battle in which the Romans are associated with, but they would have most likely failed if they hadn’t allied themselves with the Visigoths. The Visigoths leader Theodoric dies but it doesn’t stop the Visigoths to keep fighting, by taking the Huns by surprise,. the Visigoths became key in Rome’s victory.

507 The Battle of Vouille: The battle between the Visigoths and the Franks. The Visigoths lost to the Franks which is why they mostly ended up in Spain (Hispania Baetica).

711 Battle of Guadalete: The battle between the Visigoths who were Christians and the invading forces of the Muslim Umayyad Caliphate which were arabs and berbers. This marks the end of the Visigoth Kingdom in Spain.


 439 The Battle of Carthage : Vandals vs Roman battle in where the Romans were taken by surprise. The Vandals won the battle and gained a big navy. Marked the rise of the Vandals as  a kingdom whose capital became Carthage .

468 The Battle of Cape Bon: A naval warfare between the Vandals and the Romans. The Romans were once again defeated by the Vandals. This is important because form this battle the Romans learned not to attack the Vandals through their fleet.

533 The Battle of Carthage: Another war between the Vandals and the Romans, however this time the Romans came victorious. Under the leadership of Belisarius the Romans were able to regain control of Carthage because of the hasty attacks organized by the Vandal king Gelimer and his brothers. The Vandals were so unorganized in part because they had some forces who had just come back from their Spanish territory in where they were having minor military battles with the Visigoths.  

533 The Battle of Tricamarum: Final battle between the Romans and the remains of the Vandal Kingdom. The Vandals lost and it marked the end of the Vandal African Kingdom. While some vandals remained in Spain, they weren’t able to rise again at such capacity.


2002 Leila Island military conflict: Military conflict between Spain and Morocco. It was a bloodless conflict, but it rose up to be an instance in which Spain and Morocco were willing to go to war. International organizations reacted and had different opinions in the matter. The situation was mediated by the U.S Secretary of State.



Besides the Leila island military conflict Spain has usually only been involved in other altercations as a member of international organizations. Spain has been involved in the War in Afghanistan, Iraq War (until 2004), Military Interventions in Libya (2011) and against ISIS. 


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